12JanUncategorizedWhat’s Going On In My Brain!!The last couple of days have really been challenging for me. My pain is starting to spike
07JanUncategorizedCRPS & Why I Started This Site?I’ve had a few people telling me that they have never heard of CRPS/RSD so I felt
03JanUncategorizedClimbing A Wall Called CRPS!!!YEAH! YEAY!YEAY! I made it through the holidays! Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a great holiday
29DecUncategorizedHappy New Year!!Well half of the Christmas season is over, and I managed to make it through the first part of
26DecUncategorizedReflecting On Last Year!!It’s great being able to write a message ahead of time and set it to publish while
23DecUncategorizedCRPS And Christmas!!!Ok! Here we are only a few days before Christmas, and once again the pain is trying
18DecUncategorizedCRPS Is Unpredictable & Unrelenting!!Well nearly a week has gone by and there has been a turn in my symptoms that
12DecUncategorizedFinding Happiness While Living With CRPS!!Once again I’m back for another post, although today is one of those rare days where the