Welcome to my site! I am a married father of two amazing kids with two amazing kids that my wife and I adopted from China & Ethiopia. In 2006 I was diagnosed with the rare disease CRPS/RSD (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), and it has forever changed my life. I created this website for others that suffer from the same condition, or who live with chronic pain. My goal is to raise awareness and educate others so that not only do we find treatments but hopefully a cure is found. I also wanted to create a place where I can share what those of us diagnosed with this awful condition go through on a daily basis. People need to know that we don’t have to let the pain take over our lives and that through a positive attitude, we can take on and accomplish many of the things we want to.
It hasn’t always been the easiest of times as I’ve had to adjust to what has happened, however, it’s my faith in God that has carried me through. Taking almost 2 yrs to find a diagnosis, I lost the use of my left hand and foot, and have had to live with chronic pain 24/7 ever since. It was hard to come to terms with a world that was starting to spin out of control. I had to leave my job and rely on others to do the things for me that I was so used to doing myself. However, I’ve managed to regain a quality of life I never thought I’d get back. Here on this site, you will read about the different things I’ve had to go through as I walk this journey. I will also be posting about friends and family and how this disease has affected their lives.
This site originated as a way for me to express my emotions of how I was feeling, as I tried to navigate through waters I hadn’t been through ever before. Taking on a rare disease that so many others don’t understand including myself is a daunting task but I’ve discovered some things about myself through the process. I want people to know that it is possible to overcome and that you don’t have to give up hope. If you want to receive regular updates please sign up for email updates or my RSS feed. If you want to connect, please feel free to send me an email, or contact me through one of my social media sites.