Craniosacral Therapy For CRPS

Well Father’s Day is done for yet another year and I want to thank my wife and kids for the relaxing day that they gave me. In between meltdowns by a four year old that is!! We spent the weekend out at the lake so how could it get any better than that!! Later in the day we drove back home and had a nice BBQ, before the thunderstorms hit later in the evening. The day ended with my wife an I just relaxing watching a show or two. As well as munching on the stale snack that my youngest daughter gave me as a present. Honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way! That’s what makes Father’s Day so much fun! To see the looks on my girls faces and how excited they get giving me a present is what makes it all so special. My oldest daughter gave me a potted plant made at school, which I have now named Juan!

Now it’s the start of a busy week filled with year end parties and awards nights. The last week of school is always crazy, and I know that it’s going to be a challenge trying to control the pain. At the moment the pain is under control and I feel pretty good. After this week everyone moves out to the lake for the summer! The girls are looking forward to swimming and playing with their cousins, who also move out there for the summer. Another year in the books for my little girls who are growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday that we brought these two precious kids home. I’m a very lucky father and I couldn’t imagine not having my girls in my life. So to all you fathers out there, I hope you had a great day with your family and took the time to think back about how lucky you are to have them in your life.
So I thought I’d give you a quick update on where I sit waiting for my surgery to happen. The original time frame for the surgery was that I was suppose to have it back in Oct or Nov. Then I was told it probably wouldn’t be until Feb. Well here we are almost at the end of June and I still don’t have any idea when this is suppose to happen. Maybe this is God’s way of telling me that I’m not going to be having the surgery at all! In case you didn’t know I’m scheduled to have a spinal cord implant done to reduce my pain levels. What I don’t understand though is that people are coming into our city to get the operation from different parts of the country, and in some cases different areas in North America. Yet those of us that are right here have to sit and wait!! Lately however I really have been getting the feeling that I won’t be having the surgery.
In dealing with my pain recently, I’ve been trying out a relatively new therapy technique that has been helping. One of my therapists has been doing craniosacral therapy which with me gives me a great deal of relief. It may only be temporary relief but it does help a lot. This therapy is perfect for our nervous systems because of how wound up they can get. Take a quick look at this video which gives you a little insight into the technique.

With me it works really well and I would urge you to talk to your therapist and see if this is something worth trying for yourself. It may or may not work for you, however I know a few people that are trying it combined with relaxation therapy and it seems to work. I use any and every tool that I can to get as much relief as possible. Treating this disease isn’t one of those things where you can give one treatment to everyone. It’s very much a disease that is treated with relation to your specific case. So you really need to keep trying different things until you find what works for you.