Believing In Your Dreams!
Hi everybody! Well I hope you all had a great Easter. My girls had the week off, so there was a whole lot of family time. The girls were able to spend time going to movies, playing mini golf, spending time at the lake, and much much more! It was a week to try and put the disaster of a basement that is awaiting rebuild out of my head and try and destress a bit. Although a amazing friend came over and did a lot of work to try and help move things forward. With all the winter claims that the insurance company is getting it’s slowing things down. Not frustrating in the least!
So it’s now the day after I started this post and upon trying to finish up I discover to my frustration that when I entered my site all my work was gone!!! It took me the better half of last night to edit and fine tune what I wanted to say and all of that is gone. I had even backed up my work but for several hours last night the server went down. There must have been a glitch because nothing saved. Worse than that is that I felt really good about what I had written, and there’s no way that I’ll be able to duplicate it now. So frustrating! All that was left was my first paragraph so I guess I’m starting things from scratch.
My pain has been on the rise over recent weeks and even with my implants I’m having trouble controlling it. It’s all part of that up and down cycle that you go through when your diagnosed with CRPS. It can be very frustrating and at times almost never ending, but rest assured there is a light at the end of the tunnel! When I was first diagnosed I went through a period of time where I had lost all hope for any dreams that I had for my life. I had to ask God to restore that hope and give me vision but it took time and I had to realize that this wasn’t something that was going to happen overnight. God’s timing is just that! It’s His timing and you have to have faith that He’s going to do great things in your life.
When your traveling down that long dark tunnel it can seem like your never going to get to the end but you have to find any little positive and grab hold of it. Focusing on the dreams that I have for my life motivates me to never give in. Taking my kids back to where we adopted them from in Africa and China is a dream I want to see lived out. As a photographer it has always been my dream to photograph the eight wonders of the world. Actually only seven remain because I’ve already been to the Great Wall Of China! These are just a few of the many dreams that I have for my life. My point is that I’m not going to give up on making those dreams a reality. In other words I believe that those dreams are going to happen.
Wow! I was just starting to get on a roll with this post when I got a call from the hospital. It was OR scheduling and they’ve booked my surgery for next Tues! I’ve been hoping and praying for a fast date but is that ever fast. Now I just need to try wrap my brain around how quickly everything will happen. All the different alarms are going off in my head, and I need to try and process everything. I’m believing that this is just another step towards getting better and beating this illness!