Heading For Home!
As I get ready to make the long trip home in the morning, I finally have a chance to take a moment to reflect on the last two weeks. It’s always hard leaving family when you live in another city, but this trip has been great and sadly it has to come to an end. We still have some visiting to do on the way home however in a few days we’ll be back home getting back into our usual routine. The time spent with my family has once again created some amazing memories and makes it all the more difficult to leave.
My last day today was spent with my niece, shooting pictures at a bird sanctuary here in Vancouver. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. The weather started out cloudy with a few drizzles however cleared off bringing with it sunny skies! The best part of the day though was getting all the time with my niece. When I return home after I go through all the pictures I’ll post a few! It was the perfect end to the trip and I look forward to visiting again when I come back next year. However I do have my work cut out for me when I get home, having to go through the over 700 photos I’ve taken on our travels!
From a pain standpoint however things have been really tough. I’ve been having a real increase in pain over the last few days and I’m hanging on by my fingernails. Something just doesn’t seem right and so I know that when I get back I’ll be making a few phone calls. Today was a bit better though and so I hope I’ve turned a corner. For the next few days I know I’ll be in for a struggle as we travel however I know God is going to help me deal with it all.
Over the next few days I won’t be near any Internet service as I travel through the mountains to get back home. So for now I must say goodnight and get some sleep. In the meantime it’s time to enjoy the last few days of the trip!