Rested With A New Focus!

After a long trip and many hours in a car with my kids we’ve finally made it home! All the travelling has taken it’s toll on me but I managed to make it from start to finish. Now comes the tall task of shorting and editing all of the photos. In the meantime here are a few of my photos to look at.

Next week I’ll book an appointment to go to the implant clinic to see if we can figure out why my pain gotten worse as of late. I’m praying that its not infection, and that all I have to do is heal from the previous surgery which was about 2 months ago. Up until my vacation I was feeling worn out and I was struggling to keep going. However with a little time away with the family I’m ready to resume the “war against pain”.
My short term goals are to reduce and stabilize my pain. I’ve got a good start on that but I’m not quite there yet. The ups and downs continue but my spirit remains strong! If I didn’t have my photography to distract me I don’t know what I would do.

With an illness like chronic pain over time it can wear you down, and you need to stay aware of that. It’s a fight that never stops, and sometimes you need to stop fighting for a moment and give your body a rest.
That’s what this holiday was all about. Instead of my day being filled with doctors and thoughts of pain, it was time to take a moment out to do things like enjoy an ice cream cone with my daughters.

Am I tired from all the travel and visiting with friends and family? Yes! At the same time my body has new life. I know this post doesn’t have much of a message but if there was any message that I was trying to get across it would be this. You can’t fight 24/7! You need to allow yourself to focus on something other than the pain.