Committed To CRPS!

Hi everybody! My post today picks up where I left off in my last post. Why is it so important to raise awareness for CRPS are you asking? If you train and educate the people who need to be, then the patient is receiving the best possible care they can get. Along with not having to explain yourself and trying to explain the illness. When I started working with the staff at the implant clinic a couple weeks ago, I couldn’t believe that I was being treated that way I was. There level of knowledge was second to none, and from the first visit what mattered the most was my treatment and trying to make things better.
I’ve been having a few problems after the surgery, and the help that I’ve been getting at the implant clinic has been fantastic. Last Friday night I started getting more swelling and it was starting to move from my abdomen around my side. So I decided to call the on-call at the implant clinic and see what I should do. We decided to wait until Saturday and she would check with me in the morning. Nothing had really changed by Saturday so she took time out of her day to see me at the hospital.
Upon looking at it she determined that in fact there was a fluid build-up and that I would have to have it drained. So we booked an appointment for Monday. Upon going in for that appointment they decided not to drain because it looked to have gone down a bit, and they also thought that it might be more swelling than fluid. So they said we just have to monitor it and see. They were very quick to assure me that everything looked ok and that there was no need to panic. If I saw any changes that I was to contact them again and they would take a look at things again.
There commitment to my level of care is something that really is quite special. They told me that someone would be there 24/7! I can’t say enough though about the staff, each and every one of them has been great. What makes them great is that they understand us. They understand how CRPS works and how it affects our bodies. More importantly though they really do care about each and every one of us that comes through their door!
As patients we feel cared for and we know they are trying to do all they can do to help us get better! So I just want to say thanks to all the staff for everything that you have done. I can’t begin to express how grateful I am! There are great people doing great works so link up with me and share this post with others to tell them about this!