Challenge Yourself!!
My intentions were to write this post last night however I had a bad case of writers block and decided that I’d leave it till morning. So I have a small window of opportunity to write before it’s off to a wedding. My daughter is one of the flower girls and is excited about the big day. Every so often she says that she’s nervous and hopes that she doesn’t make a mistake! The last couple of weeks have been very exciting for her. First she got to ride on a float on Canada Day and now she gets to be a flower girl! In her mind it’s been the best summer ever!
The last couple of days have been tough because I’ve been dealing with a rise in pain. I’m trying not to let it affect me but the realty is that it does. Not for a second though do I think that this is a setback in any way. I continue to walk without a cane, and can’t tell you how good it feels. It might be a small step but it’s a step in the right direction. Sorry for the pun! I’m sure the increase in pain is just my brains way of telling my body that it doesn’t like all the change.
The other day I got to talking with a friend who is going through his own battle with his health. One of the things that we got to talking about was that when your going through an illness, you find out really fast who your friends are and who will stand beside you through it all. The people around me have been nothing short of amazing! That all starts with a family that is nothing short of amazing. They are certainly the first to be there when times get tough or when I need encouragement to keep going. I have also had a core of friends around me who would and do go out of their way to help me in any way.
This has been a huge blessing in my life because the reality is that not everyone has this type of support around them. I’ve met people who are sick with an illness who’ve had the people closest to them walk out of their lives when they became sick. With no support in any way they are left to battle on their own. I can’t imagine not having support in dealing with my CRPS, let alone any other illness.
So I started thinking about how I could do my part in trying to help some of those people around us who are dealing with chronic pain, or another illness who haven’t got any support. We can always be there for each other with a kind word, but actions speak louder than words. So what I want to do is put out a challenge to anyone that reads my site or any of my fellow bloggers. Over the next month I want you to go out and offer one random act of kindness, to someone you know who is sick but who doesn’t have anyone to help or support them.

As to what that act of kindness is I will leave that up to you. This will help people that don’t have a support group around them in ways you can’t imagine! After you’ve done this I want you to email me a short story of what your act of kindness was. I will leave the challenge open until Aug 30, at that time I will pick a winner and publish your story in a post. Along with that you will win this custom 8 x 10 photo from me!
So start helping those around you in need of your help, and I look forward to hearing your stories over the next month!