How Does Temperature Affect Your CRPS?

This weekend the temperature is suppose to fall to a balmy -59 C! Something is just so very wrong about that! There is cold and then there’s ……… ! Sorry no words can really describe weather like that. My plans are to stay inside and try and stay warm. My CRPS isn’t liking the extreme temps this winter and this weekend I’m sure will be no different. Not having my upper stimulator working properly isn’t helping matters. I’ve had more flare ups in the past few weeks and need the stimulator fixed asap! Any time spring wants to show up is fine with me. Apparently however the groundhog saw his shadow so six more weeks of winter it is! Yipeee!!!! Can you tell that it excites me. No wonder I found myself going through my pictures of Hawaii this week. So here’s a few more for any of you needing to think warm thoughts!

I know! I know! I’m from the prairies and I’m not suppose to complain about the weather because this is a part of life here but sometimes you reach a breaking point. I think I’ve reached it! This will be one of those winters where we set a lot of heating cost records. Not to mention how the weather can change the life of a person living with this illness. I’ve spent a lot of time indoors this winter. I usually try and get out to do some photography over the winter months but it’s just been to cold not to mention that the camera equipment doesn’t like to work.
So I think two paragraphs of ranting about our weather is good enough and that I need to move on to something else. I’m worn out this week and trying to find energy to do the things I need to do has been a real effort at the best of times. I had planned to give my website a bit of a facelift but I just haven’t felt up to doing it. So I apologize and hopefully in the next few days I’ll begin work on that. It’s been a while since I’ve done anything to my site and so I’m feeling the need to make a few changes. One of the changes I’ll be making will be to overhaul the links to other CRPS sites. So if you know of any good ones that you’d like to see me put up on my site then please email me the links.

The main focus of this blog has always been to tell my story while living with CRPS and to encourage others that we can get through this together and by supporting one another. That will always be the way I focus my content on this blog however I need to do a better job at mixing in more content that speaks to CRPS and the specifics about the illness itself. I’ve always felt however that it’s important to let the professionals do the speaking about CRPS itself, so that I don’t misinform people about our illness and chronic pain in general. So I’m still thinking about how to add that content into my posts. Lots of small tweaks are on the horizon so keep checking back. If you have any suggestions about things you’d like to see added to my site then please send me an email with your ideas. I’ve even thinking about adding a section to my site to sell my photographs where the proceeds would then go to CRPS research. I’m still very much in idea mode at the moment!
On the surgery front I’m still waiting to get a date that they will fix my upper implant. For the time being I’ll increase my meds to try and get me through. I’ve also increased the prayer asking God not only to give me strength to keep fighting but to heal my body. Well the kids are needing some daddy time along with my amazing wife so I’d better wrap things up for today. Stay positive and keep fighting!