Reflecting Back!!
It’s been a really difficult week around my parts and trying to put a post together hasn’t been easy! I tried putting together a post last week but every time I tried to get the fingers moving on the keyboard my brain went into shutdown because of everything going on right now. We are putting the final push on to get our basement finished and let me tell you I’ll be doing a happy dance when the furniture comes back in a week or two. To add to all of that stress at the beginning of last week I witnessed a pedestrian get hit and killed by a bus last week.
So to say that my stress has been increased over the last few days is an understatement! I keep thinking about the family that has been affected, and the bus driver who now has to deal with all of this as well. I tried to do what I could to help the pedestrian along with someone else who had stopped but there wasn’t much we could do but wait for the ambulance to arrive. What I could do however was pray for the pedestrian! It was a long day filled with all kinds of emotion and it reminded me about how quickly life can change!
I’m now on day three of trying to put this post together and things just aren’t happening. I’m having a lot of trouble putting my thoughts together and I know a lot of that is due to all the stress. So I’ll say sorry ahead of time if this post doesn’t flow the way I’d like it to. It’s taking me a bit to work through everything that happened but slowly I’m proccessing the whole thing! While I’ve been working through all of this it caused me to think about how lives get affected by crisis, and when I think back to my own time of crisis a whole lot of emotions come flowing back.
It’s been almost eight years since I was diagnosed with my CRPS, and when I think about all the different ways in which our family has been affected my mind starts spinning out of control. So my heart goes out to the family of the pedestrian because their world has been turned upside down this week and all you can do is ask God for strength to get you through the storm that never seems to end. In a lot of ways I can relate to how that family is feeling at this moment. You just want things back the way they were. Everything seems so sureal and you can’t believe the things that are happening.
At times you just want to wake up thinking that it’s all a bad dream, and that life will pick up where it left off. The reality however is that from that day forward things will be different. In the time that I’ve been dealing with my illness there has been a lot of change for our family, some good and some not so good but life continues on and we face our battles head on. I know this post doesn’t really go anywhere but I’m physically and mentally exhausted at the moment and when I’m feeling better I’ll write a post that makes more sense!