Trusting & Believing!

Well I’m back from a relaxing weekend at the lake and the weather couldn’t have been more perfect. Any time you get temperatures of 30 at the end of September it’s always great. The nice part was that because we are right down by the water, it didn’t feel that hot at all. We started out the weekend with a perfect sunset on Fri night. I know I’ve put up quite a few sunset photos but when your looking at this type of scenery through your living room window, you find it kind of hard not to take pictures.

This is what I was looking at after dinner! So I quickly got my gear together to take some pictures. Things were changing so quickly that I didn’t have much of a chance to change any of the setting on my camera. I just had to get what I could before I lost the sunset.

Then it started giving me every color possible so I was having a hard time taking pictures of it and not just watching it! I’ve seen some great sunsets out here but this had to be one of the best ones that I had seen in a while.
Pictures really don’t do it justice but it’s easy for you to see why I find the place as relaxing as I do. All your stresses fall away when you get out here!
Most of the weekend I’ve been trying to settle the increase in my pain and get myself back on track. It just seems that when things get like this I feel every fibre of my body tense up, and it becomes really hard to keep my emotions under control. I’ve been doing a lot of praying that things will get under control quickly. As always I just have to have faith that God will get me through yet one more storm. Sometimes that can be easy, and at other times it can seem next to impossible. I’m not going to say that having faith is easy because there are a lot of times when I can have all the faith in the world, yet things still don’t work out the way that I’d like them to. So often this causes us to get frustrated and start psychoanalyzing things. It also means that sometimes we question God! Having true faith is believing and having complete trust that God will take care of our every need.
So what is the point of my post? My point is this! Let faith guide your direction and spend less time questioning! In other words just believe that He’s going to take away any pain you have and it’s going to be in whatever way He chooses. End of story! Spend more time believing that He will provide in any way that you need it. Am I guilty of questioning too much sometimes? Absolutely! I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. However there is one thing I can say from experience as I’ve been walking through this journey. My faith has grown by leaps and bounds and I’ve been able to trust God more than ever before to get me through what seems next to impossible. I will never be perfect and will continue to have periods where things seems out of control but the big difference is that I know God will be there to pick me back up!