Overlooking Your Pain!!

Well as much as I like my efforts on the new design, there is still all kinds of work to do. However now I’m at least at the stage where I can have the site functional and slowly change the things I still need to change. Overall the site seems to be loading faster so I hope all of you reading my site see the change. If anyone has any suggestions of things that I can change then please let me know.
It’s been a very busy Saturday at my house and I’m not going to lie when I say I’m in a little bit of pain tonight! Clearly I’ve done a little to much today. The morning was spent doing odd jobs around the house followed by an afternoon at the science center here in town. Actually I have to admit it was a lot of fun! In spite being in this much pain you put on your happy face and go out with the kids. They were really looking forward to me going with them, so you do what you have to in order to make that happen. They had a great time and didn’t want to leave. I’ve taken a few extra meds tonight in hopes of getting through this minor flare up.

Over the next couple of weeks I’m going to be posting a few guest blogs, from some of the friends I have gotten to know through my blog adventures. I hope that when I post them you will visit their sites and get to know them a little. At the same time I’ll be posting on their sites so I hope you’ll drop by and read what I have to say. In the next little while I’m also hoping to open my Etsy shop so I hope you’ll check that out as well. As you know photography is a big passion of mine and I’ve decided why not try to sell some of my work. I have nothing to lose in this venture and everything to gain. Lots of exciting things coming soon!

As a matter of fact last night I went out to a friends campsite to take a few pictures. Now the day started off cloudy with a few showers. In the end though it ended up as a perfect evening with the sun deciding to show itself. After dinner I headed out to his place and caught a couple of shots before the sun decided to go down. You be the judge! There is a reason that they call our province ” Land of the Living Skies “.
Well I’m going to call it a night and I’ll see everyone soon!