A Daughters First!!!

If you could only see the great big grin that was on my face, and for the most part is still there! Today my oldest daughter was finally able to learn how to ride her two wheel bike and the training wheels are off for good. It’s been a while in the making but she finally got the courage to try, and it took her next to no time at all. She was so proud of herself that she didn’t want to get off the bike. We had tried once last year and she had taken a fall that had really scared her, to the point of not wanting to try whenever we tried to encourage her. Today though she was riding up and down the alley beside her mom with next to no problems at all. As a parent there really is no feeling quite like watching them achieve such milestones! Unfortunately her little sister who is three years younger didn’t like the fact that she wasn’t the one learning to ride the bike!
For the next little while Emily who is my oldest, rode around the neighbourhood with her mom while I tried to calm down our 4yr old. I tried to explain that it was Emily’s special day but she didn’t really want to hear about that. She was bound and determined for it to be a special day for her as well. After lots of tears and a few minutes of explaining things she finally came around and I convinced her to come with me to find her sister and cheer her on. When it was time to come inside we had to call her Nana and let her know the good news. I have really never seen a kid so proud!

Of course what is the one thing that we didn’t get while this was going on? Pictures! Just when you want that picture you don’t have a camera anywhere near by. It’s one of those things that’s going to be etched in my memory forever though so I don’t have to worry about not having pictures. So I’m sure that those of you that are parents know what I’m talking about when we watch our kids in these special moments. To be honest today isn’t the greatest day when it comes to pain, but if I wasn’t inspired to just get on with things then I would have missed out on that special moment! How exciting for her to be able to go to the first day of school tomorrow to tell her friends that she is able to ride her bike now!
As we head into a busy school week I’m hoping and praying that my pain doesn’t get out of control. There is going to be a lot more stress and I’m just going to have to pace myself. I have a couple of great posts lined up for this week so check back again soon! As well you may have noticed the pictures that don’t go with into the post at all. Well they are more photos from my recent holiday for all of you to enjoy! Talk to everyone soon.