Home At Last!!

My family and I returned home from probably one of the best holidays that we’ve had in a long time. It was a really long travel day, not only the kids but for us as well. When we returned home to the comfort of our own beds we could hardly wait to get to sleep for the night. Any time I travel my pain also increases so I’m trying to manage with that as well. I’m sure it will take a few days for things to settle down a bit. At the end of the evening when we arrived home the kids were done! Who can blame them after after 10hrs of traveling. I’m lucky enough to have two great kids when it comes to flying. Whenever I return home from a holiday you always come home exhausted needing another holiday!

It really was one of those holidays where you come away feeling good about all the time spent with family and friends. In spite of how busy it was everyone had a great time. We spent the first half of the trip over on Vancouver Island with family at our families cottage, and then finished our trip in Vancouver with more family and friends. Of course while we were there I took advantage of the many opportunities to take lots of great pictures. It’s just one of those places where you can’t go anywhere without a camera. Okay! So I went a little crazy picture taking! I came home having taken over 500 photos! I miss many aspects of living back in Vancouver, and so the way I can best describe some of those reasons is through pictures.

One afternoon while the kids were out swimming in the ocean a pair of eagles decided to land in the tree next to our cottage which they often do. This pair came back day after day giving me many chances at getting some great photos! It was the start of many more photo op’s that were in front of my eyes during the time that we were there. When I’m at the cabin it’s almost as if I become a child again. I start remembering all the great times we had spending our summers there, and all the great places we went. Over my holiday I took time to visit some of those places that we used to go and was inspired to take lots of pictures.
For the most part my pain was under control while I was away. There were a few days where I had to slow down a bit however it didn’t stop me from doing the things I wanted to do. There were so many great distractions, that I spent very little time having to think about pain! It was also the chance to take a break from the busy routine that we have back here at home. Now that I feel rested I’m looking forward to getting back to my site. As I’ve said before I’ve been wanting to make some changes to my site. Well over the next month or two some of those changes will start to take place. I’m not going to give anything away your just going to have to come and see the changes for yourself!
As some of you know I have a challenge out that involves one random act of kindness towards someone who is disabled. If you don’t know about it then go to my earlier post. As of today nobody has taken up the challenge. E-mail me your act of kindness and if I choose you I will post it. See my other post for details. It doesn’t have to be anything big because something small and simple can sometimes be the best. For now I leave you with a few pics of my holiday!