Hi Everyone! Well as your reading this post I’m busy relaxing on a deck chair at my moms cabin out on Vancouver Island! Yes the time has come for my annual visit back home with family and friends. So for the next several days I’ll be out there and nowhere near a computer. What does that mean for my site? It means that there won’t be an update until I get back on Aug 13th! I need to recharge the engines and get away for a bit. As many of you fellow bloggers know, it can be demanding to keep up with your site and every now and then you need a break.

I’m looking forward to visiting with family and catching up with what’s going on in their lives. Even though I stay in touch on a regular basis it’s different! You don’t have a phone that’s limiting your conversation! There will be a first on this trip as well because one of my brother in-laws has never met my youngest daughter. As well the cousins will get a chance to hang out and play together which doesn’t happen very often. I’m sure it’s going to be a very busy trip because every day seems to be booked up with a visit of some kind. Although for the first half of the trip we get to just relax at mom’s cabin!

So I’ll see everyone when I get back! I’ll be good and relaxed ready to get back to my site! In the meantime I’m hoping that I come back to some e-mails with peoples stories with a random act of kindness! If you look back to my post on July 9th I challenged people to an random act of kindness for someone towards someone who’s disabled or doesn’t have any support in their illness. At the end of Sept I will go through the stories emailed to me and choose one to publish. Along with that I will send you one of my pictures that I’ve taken. Anyways see the other post for details! See everyone soon!