A Season Of Change Ahead!

Well today my girls went back to school and we got back into the routine! For my 5yr old it was her first day of kindergarten! For her it was a day filled with a little excitement, as well as fear of the unknown. Then there was mom and dad who watched there not so little girls go off feeling a certain void not having them around the house. They grow so fast and before you can blink those younger years are gone! At 8yr and 5yr they are still really young but it seems like just yesterday they were babies! Anyway they both had a great day and came home excited.

My day was filled with lots of different things including trying to get caught up on doing some editing of my pictures. I’ve managed to get through a few but still have hundreds more to catch up on. You will notice that today’s theme is birds! When out in Vancouver visiting my family, I took my niece out to teach her how to use her camera. I took her to the Reifel Bird Sanctuary where we managed to catch all kinds of great shots.
Everywhere I turned there was another great shot followed by another. So needless to say I’ve managed to get through some of those edits. I’ve been working hard as of late to get all of my editing done because in a few weeks I have a surprise for all of you readers. I’ll be opening up my own independent website for my photography! I’ve been wanting to do this for a while and I hope you like it when it launches! I would also love your feedback as to what you think about it and what changes I can make.

Along with all of these things going on right now, I continue to push through the pain that my back is continuing to dish out. Staying busy has been a great distraction but I need to be careful that I don’t overdo things, and the break of having both of my girls at school will help with that.
We are headed into a season of change this fall, as my wife will be starting a new job and I’ll be spending more time with the kids. In turn it means its a season of learning and adapting within my disability to the changes ahead. I’m confident that things are going to work out well! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my disability will not stop us from moving forward as a family!
As my daughter got ready to go off to her first day of kindergarten I stopped and took a few pictures of my girls. Then I got to thinking how about how blessed I am to be able to spend some much time with then because of my disability. It was a special day filled with memories for my little one, and I’m lucky enough to be able to take part in that! Talk to you all soon.