Holding My Own With My CRPS!!

Well it’s 11:00pm and the temp outside is finally starting to cool off. At 9:00pm tonight it was still 30C ! It was a really hot day topping out at 35 C so you did whatever you could today to stay cool. It was one of those days where I was thankful to be inside in an air conditioned building for my physiotherapy. The last couple of days my pain has been bothering me a little more than in recent weeks. Last night was one of those nights with absolutely no sleep so I’ve been dragging a bit today. I can’t really explain why the pain is up because there really isn’t any explanation as to why it should be. I’m just trying my best to manage it.

Over the last couple of months my pain has be at a level that I can live with. It might not be perfect but it’s better than it’s been. I remain walking without a cane, and haven’t had to make any adjustments to my meds. What’s even better is that I haven’t had to take any extra pain medication! It’s small steps though because I know just how quickly that can change. I really believe though that this is an answer to prayer, and that all the positive changes I have seen in the last little while are only going to continue. I said from the start that CRPS can be beaten and that is going to happen with the help of God.

We’ve been enjoying one last week at the cottage before we are back to the regular routine and school. It’s about to get a lot busier and I’m hoping that it won’t make my pain any worse. Before we know it there will be snow on the ground. I didn’t just say that! The leaves are showing signs of turning color so it does mean that fall is around the corner. Enough of that talk! As short as the summer has seemed it really has been a great summer filled with great times with family! Family is everything to me and I couldn’t imagine life without them.
At the moment I couldn’t feel more positive about things and the way that they are going. This is going to be a year filled with change and I’m looking forward to watching it unfold. I look forward to being able to share those things with you as they happen. As I look at CRPS itself I also feel as though we are going to see a world of breakthrough this year. Over the last couple of years there has been lots more research being done and it’s bringing forward all kinds of information that is proving to be very valuable. I would really encourage any of you out there who are dealing with CRPS to keep positive about your future, because it might not be what you think.
Well it’s time to wrap this one up for tonight. I hope you enjoyed some of the pictures that I put up. I had some more from our holiday so I put them up! See you soon.