Happy Anniversary Living Aloha!!
I wanted to take a little time today to write a quick post about a friends site that you really must check out! Today is a big day for her site because it’s her one year blogoversary! So to mark the anniversary she’s got a HUGE! giveaway going on that you might want to check out. The people that I’ve been able to meet in the time that I’ve been writing my blog have been nothing short of amazing! Angie from Living Aloha has been one of those people! After reading her site for the first time I had to keep reading it.

Her site isn’t one of those sites where you have to look real hard to find the writing through all the advertising! When I read her posts they often leave me thinking about life, or thinking about the incredible island of Maui that she lives on. I was lucky enough to have gone to Maui back in January, and it’s everything and more that she says it is in her site. What I like the most about Living Aloha though is that when I read it I come away feeling inspired! I could go on about the site but really my words don’t really do it justice. So I’m asking you to check out the site for yourself. You can get to the site by either clicking on the button I’ve provided above or go to the site at http://www.undertheislandsunshine.blogspot.com.